Southwold Tourist Information Website Closure
With the creation of a new Southwold Town Council funded website, the website is now no longer required. This website was originally created when the district council closed the local TIC in Southwold in April 2016; providing a way for visitors to still have access to local information.
I would sincerely like to thank all those advertisers who have supported my website over the past 9 years, but sadly I am unable to compete with a website offering free advertising.
With the creation of a new Southwold Town Council funded website, the website is now no longer required. This website was originally created when the district council closed the local TIC in Southwold in April 2016; providing a way for visitors to still have access to local information.
I would sincerely like to thank all those advertisers who have supported my website over the past 9 years, but sadly I am unable to compete with a website offering free advertising.
New Southwold Tourist Information Online
The website was set up using an online platform to be a new tourism service 'Southwold Tourist Information Online'. This was in response to the closure of the old Tourist Information office in Southwold at the end of April 2016. Menu graphics are based on window stickers, previously created by myself, and colour of the links are the same blue, enhancing the overall corporate branding. Dedicated header images have been created for each webpage. Size 1315pixels x 357pixels. Additional domain names including: and were registered and all point to the same website. |
A business card was set up to promote the new Southwold Tourist Information website and online services. Social icons were created as editable vectors. Fonts and colour used to keep the same style and branding. A miniature 'sticker' was included as a logo. Final product 85mm x 55mm. |
A selection of adverts which have been created for use on the Southwold Tourist Information website.
Adverts are usually based on advertisers logo or style of website.
Final product 400 pixels x 200 pixels.
Adverts are usually based on advertisers logo or style of website.
Final product 400 pixels x 200 pixels.
The Window Sticker was originally designed and set up as stock for sale.
Both the lighthouse and beach hut graphics were created as editable vectors. The lighthouse graphic was redrawn over an image of the actual Southwold Lighthouse for an accurate representation of this iconic landmark. Final product 100mm x 100mm. The simple style of the window sticker graphic is now used as the logo of 'Southwold Tourist Information' across the website, as an avatar on social networking sites [including Facebook and Instagram] and in advertising. |